red carpet

a red strip of carpet placed on the ground for high-ranking dignitaries to walk on when entering or leaving a building, vehicle, or the like.
  1. an area abutting the entrance to a building, usually carpeted in red, where celebrities gather and walk before participating in or taking their seats at a big event:
    The winning actress had of course been interviewed on the red carpet before the Academy Awards.
  2. the activity that goes on in this area:
    Six reporters will be covering the red carpet at the charity's annual gala.
a display of courtesy or deference, as that shown to persons of high station:
The visiting prince was treated to the red carpet in Rome.
Related forms
red-carpet, adjective
Examples from the web for red carpet
  • The election result appears to have justified the champagne, celebrity-style red carpet and scrabbling photographers.
  • By rolling out the red carpet again, it showed it has no plans to reconsider.
  • But it does delay the inevitable as opposed to doing nothing and rolling out the red carpet for it.
  • Watching celebrities walk the red carpet before an award show has become an increasingly popular spectator sport.
  • Being a stylist is great, but it's about creating an image-what people see on the red carpet.
  • The marquee lights flip on, the red carpet unfolds, and the day's first guests arrive.
British Dictionary definitions for red carpet

red carpet

a strip of red carpeting laid for important dignitaries to walk on when arriving or departing
  1. deferential treatment accorded to a person of importance
  2. (as modifier): the returning hero had a red-carpet reception
Slang definitions & phrases for red carpet

red carpet

adjective phrase

Luxurious; plush; ritzy: Jewelry gives you a red carpet elegance (1950s+)

noun phrase

A sumptuous welcome: He was sort of expecting the red carpet and not the fish-eye (1934+)

Related Terms

roll out the red carpet

[fr an ancient custom, at least as old as Aeschylus's Agamemnon, of putting down a red carpet over which a welcomed dignitary would walk]

Idioms and Phrases with red carpet

red carpet

Honorary treatment, lavish hospitality, as in We'll have to get out the red carpet for the President's visit. This term comes from the literal practice of rolling out a carpet to welcome a royal or other esteemed guest, and indeed is often put as roll out the red carpet. [ Early 1900s ]